Dancing in the Moonlight

A Feline Revelry

Michelle Hoffmann


A feline figure twirls on sandy shore in the moonlight artwork by Michelle Hoffmann using dream.ai

In moonlit glow where silvery waters gleam,
A feline figure twirls on sandy shore,
With grace unmatched, as if within a dream,
She dances soft, while night’s sweet whispers soar.

The lake, a mirror to the starry skies,
Reflects her leaps, each movement pure and bright,
With every pounce, the world seems to reprise,
A ballet held beneath the cloak of night.

Her paws like whispers kiss the cool, damp sand,
The breeze a gentle partner in her play,
A feline waltz that nature’s heart has planned,
In twilight’s embrace, she twirls, wild and gay.

O cat of night, with spirit unconfined,
In moonlit revels, true freedom you find.

Michelle Hoffmann is a cat-loving, nature-worshiping, and life-loving abstract digital artist and photographer, a writer, and a poet. Her art mostly centers around nature, magic, and the eclectic. The art she creates is unique and original, like her!



Michelle Hoffmann

I am a cat-loving, nature-worshiping, & life-living abstract digital artist, photographer, writer, and poet. http://michellehoffmann.com