Under The Halloween Moon

The Creatures All Come Out

Michelle Hoffmann


Halloween creatures dancing in the moonlight art print by Michelle Hoffmann using Dream AI

On Halloween night, the moon hangs low,
casting shadows like secrets whispered in the dark.
Ghosts glide through the mist, silent as forgotten dreams,
their translucent forms flickering in the candlelight.

Goblins clamor, gnashing teeth and crooked grins,
their laughter rasps like dead leaves underfoot.
They dance on twisted legs, stomping to a rhythm
only the ancient ones know.

Witches swirl their cloaks, a flutter of black silk,
eyes glowing with the spark of mischief.
Their cauldrons bubble, frothing with spells
that curl into the air like smoke from the past.

Warlocks stand tall, hands raised to the stars,
murmuring words too old for mortal ears.
Their power hums in the cool night air,
as if the wind itself bows to their command.

Vampires glide with grace, eyes gleaming red,
smiles sharp as the night.
They move through the crowd like shadows,
their presence felt but never seen,
whispering promises of eternity.



Michelle Hoffmann

I am a cat-loving, nature-worshiping, & life-living abstract digital artist, photographer, writer, and poet. http://michellehoffmann.com